Literary terms

Övningen är skapad 2023-01-26 av Maria_Prof. Antal frågor: 17.

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  • theme The main idea or central message of the story
  • plot The action of the story
  • linear plot The events in the plot follow in chronological order
  • nonlinear plot The plot of a story that does not go in typical time order; contains flashbacks or future visions
  • author The person who writes the story
  • narrator The person who tells the story
  • character A person in a story
  • 1st person narrator The narrator is a character in the story who refers to himself/herself as "I". Expect to hear "I, me, we, and our"
  • 3rd person narrator When a voice outside the story narrates the action.
  • omniscient narrator A narrator who is able to know, see, and tell all, including the inner thoughts and feelings of the characters
  • flat character A character who acts stereotypically or expectedly and does not change much throughout the story
  • round character A character who demonstrates some complexity and who develops or changes in the story
  • protagonist Main character in a story
  • antagonist A character or force in conflict with the main character
  • setting Where and when the story takes place
  • internal conflict A struggle between opposing needs, desires, or emotions within a single character
  • external conflict A struggle between a character and an outside force

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