Many ways to be smart (gaps)

Övningen är skapad 2020-09-07 av carwin. Antal frågor: 22.

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Alla Inga

  • Maija is the head teacher (rektor) at our school.
  • In the autumn (höst) I rake up the dead leaves.
  • The last (sista) thing I need is more work to do.
  • My teacher always (alltid) spells my name wrong.
  • You must be very proud of (stolt över) your son.
  • You're not allowed to talk during (under) the exam.
  • She had to take a test (skriva ett prov) before she got the job.
  • Something strange happened at school last week. (förra veckan).
  • She's very easy (enkel) to talk to.
  • The thieves took everything (allting).
  • I'd recognize your handwriting everywhere - it's unique (unik).
  • Do you know (känna) my brother Tom?
  • Would you like to learn a new language (språk)?
  • She's such a liar - you can't trust (lita på) a word she says.
  • It feels good that I can depend on (beroende av) you.
  • We were howling with laughter (skratt).
  • Sometimes I worry about (oroa sig över) the future.
  • Don't worry about me, I can take care of (ta hand om) myself.
  • She's a very kind (snäll) and thoughtful person.
  • Thank you for calling when I was ill - it was very thoughtful (omtänksamt) of you.
  • We must try (försöka) to spend less money.
  • I can really enjoy (njuta av) a good book.

Alla Inga

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