Master Methods, quantitive

Övningen är skapad 2025-01-13 av sr09001. Antal frågor: 11.

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  • The exogeneity assumption no reverse causality; no OVB
  • Choice of control variables affects both x and y; are uneffected by x and y; not too strongly correlated with x; data quality
  • OLS assumptions The exogeneity assumption; linear relationship; no systematic measurement errors; well-behaved residuals; technical issues
  • Outliers discrepancy; leverage; influential observations
  • Assumptions for experiments random assignment; non-interference, excludability
  • types of random assignment simple; complete; clustered; blocked
  • Common problems in experiments non-compliance; attrition; spillover
  • 3 types of spillover displacement; communication; social comparison
  • Evaluation of natural experiments plausability of as-if random assignment; credibility of model; relevance of the treatment
  • Assumptions for RDD as-if-randomized; no manipulation; continous function around the threshold on both sides; nothing else changes at the threshold
  • Assumption DD parallel trends

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