Medical terminology Examination MS17H

Övningen är skapad 2018-11-28 av ms17h. Antal frågor: 70.

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  • 1.”A hollow wide tube that connects the Larynx to the Bronchii in the lungs..” is called what? Trachea
  • 2.How is the abdomen examined? To percuss and palpate
  • 3.What is Angina Pectoris? It is chestpain or squeseening. It is related to ischemia of the heart muscle
  • 4.What does the Thyroid Gland Control? It controls how quickly the body use energy, make protein and control how sensitive the body is to other hormones
  • 5. What is Bipolar? It is a mental disorder, characterized by periods of elevated mood and depression
  • 6.What are Neoplasms? Growth of tissue, referred to a tumour
  • 7.What does the Peripheral nervous system consist of? It is the part of the nervous system that consist of the nerves and ganglia outside of the brain.
  • 8.What is a ”Greenstick Fracture” ? Fractur in a young soft bone in which the bone bend and breaks.
  • 9.What do they check on when a Cardiovascular examination is carried out? A physical examination that involves evaluation of the cardiovascular system
  • 10. What is Palpation? PIt is a process when using hands to examine the body.
  • 11.If someone is described as Anaemic what are they suffering from? A decrease in the amount of red blood cells
  • 12.What would be considered to non-human sources of infection? Things like soil, milk, water and animals
  • 13. What is the medical term for the word ”Gut”? Gastrointestinal tract
  • 14.What is Menarche? The first occurence of menstruation
  • 15. What is Bone Marrow? The flexible tissue of in the interior of bones.
  • 16.An involuntary movement is called? Tremor/spasms
  • 17.What are Rigors? Shivering or trembling
  • 18.What is the correct term for Irregular Heart Rhythm? Arythmia
  • 19.What is URTI? Upper respiratory tract infections
  • 20.What are Leucocytes? White blood cells
  • 21. It is defined as a type of breathlessness? Dyspnoea
  • 22.What is Ptosis? A dropping of the upper or lower eyelid
  • 23. Psycho Motor Retardation describes what? Reduced movement and Thought
  • 24.What is Splenonmegaly? Enlargement of the spleen.
  • 25. If ”A dead leg” is contused what might the typical symptoms be? It could refer to a bruise on a arm or leg or a contusion of the femur
  • 26.What is the Fallopian Tube? Two very fine tubes lined with ciliated epithelia , leading from the ovaries of female mammals into the uterus.
  • 27.If someone is ”Pallid” what might they look like? Pale/colourless
  • 28.Where in the body is the Hypothalmus? The brain
  • 29.What is an Exogenous Infection? An exogenous factor is any material that is present and active in an individual organism or living cell but that originated outside of that organism
  • 30.”Abnormal soft or loud signs that one hears when listening to the heart beat” are described as? Heart murmurs are abnormal heart sounds produced when blood flows across one of the heart valves that is loud enough to be heard with a stethoscope
  • 31.What are ”Crackles”? It is noises made from the lungs, like clicking, rattling or cracking.
  • 32.They are a also called Platelets-blood cells whose function is to to stop bleeding? What is their other name? Trombocytes
  • 33.What is GCS? The Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS is a neurological scale that aims to give a reliable, objective way of recording the conscious state of a person for initial as well as subsequent assessment
  • 34.What is ”Bruit”? Bruit is the unusual sound that blood makes when it rushes past an obstruction (called turbulent flow) in an artery when the sound is listened to ("auscultated") with a stethoscope.
  • 35.What is Psychomotor Agitation? A series of unintentional motions that stem from mental tension and anxiety
  • 36.What is the laymans term for Verruca? Wart
  • 37.If the Thyroid is enlarged and not functioning properly what is the the symptom for this called? Goitre/Struma
  • 38. What is Nephrolithiasis? Small stones builded in the kidneys caused by minerals
  • 39. What is COPD? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • 40. What is the complaint Cystitis or pyelonephritis called in laymans terms? Inflammation of the kidney
  • 41. The Scientific study of the nervous system and its diseases is called? Neurology
  • 42. When the child is in a reverse position during labour. Instead of being born the usual way, with the head first, the child will come out with the buttocks or the feet first. What is this called? Breech birth
  • 43. What is Osteoporosis? Thinning of the bone with reduction in bone mass
  • 44. ” The salivary glands swell, the parotids but sometimes even the pancreas, ovaries and the testes can be affected? What is the common english name for this? Mumps
  • 45. This is a heart disease that means that the heart it beating slowly. A normal heart rate for at resting heart is over 60 beats per minute (BPM). When it falls below 40-50 BMP it is considered as to be called what Bradychardia
  • 46.What is the medical term for hayfever? Allergic Rhinitis
  • 47. What is the name of the equipment used to test your pulmonary function? Peak Expiratory Flow Meter
  • 48.Describe Septicaemia? It is a whole-body inflammation caused by an infection
  • 49. Means a thickening, loss of elasticity and hardening of arteries due to a number of diseases or high longer time? blood pressure over a What is the definition of this? Arteriosclerosis
  • 50.What is a neuron? Nerve cell
  • 51. How many vertebrae do we have? 33 vertebrae
  • 52.What is the most common cause of melanoma? High exposure to UV light
  • 53. What is a Bronchoscopy? Endoscopic technique of visualising the inside of the airways
  • 54. What is ”Croup”? Croup (or laryngotracheobronchitis) is a respiratory condition that is usually triggered by an acute viral infection of the upper airway.
  • 55. A common and diverse set of chronic neurological disorders characterized by seizures (attacks).What complaint is being described here? Epilepsy
  • 56. A Sphygmomanometer is used for what? Measure blood pressure
  • 57. This is a condition where the patient is not in complete control of the bladder and therefore sometimes has urine leakage what is this called? Incontinence
  • 58. The absence of menstruation in a woman’s reproductive age is called? Amenorrhoea (BE), amenorrhea (AmE), or amenorrhœa, is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age.
  • 59.Describe the symptoms of Strabismus? The eyes are not properly aligned with each other
  • 60. What is the lay term for Pertussis? Whooping cough
  • 61.What are the symptoms of Astigmatism? Blurry, distorted or fuzzy vision.
  • 62.LMP2/52 means? Last menstrual period two weeks ago
  • 63.Describe Pericarditis? Inflammation of pericardium. Chestpane
  • 64. What is a Pathological fracture? When a bone breaks in an area that is weakened by another disease process
  • 65. What is Salpingitis? Infection and inflammation in the fallopian tubes.
  • 66.The contact point between two neurons is called what? Synapse
  • 67. What are the four regions of the stomach? Pylorus,Fundus,Body, Cardia
  • 68. What is Cicatix? Scar
  • 69. A forming of soft tissue around the end of the fingers and toes is called? Clubbing
  • 70. Where are the cranial nerves located? In the brain

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