Modern fairy tales words p.30

Övningen är skapad 2022-10-13 av tildablucker. Antal frågor: 18.

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  • Crowd-pleaser Something that most people enjoy
  • Springboard Something that helps to start an activity
  • Social commentary A work that critiques society
  • Adhere to Act in a way that is required by for example a rule
  • Rule-of-thumb A principle that is believed and followed based on what usually happens
  • Convention A way of doing something that is widely accepted
  • Aspire Wanting to achieve something
  • Dazzle Greatly impress
  • Sloth The state of being lazy
  • Breathe new life into Give new ideas or energy to something
  • Villain A character who does bad things
  • Obstruct To slow or block the progress
  • Retain Keep
  • Jump-start To cause something to start quickly
  • Framework The basic structure of something
  • Deceive To make someone believe something that is not true
  • Expose To reveal something
  • Ascend the throne To become king or queen

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