
Övningen är skapad 2024-11-05 av MagisterAladdin. Antal frågor: 24.

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  • focalisation percieved storytelling from the protagonist's point of view
  • Narrator The perspective which we follow throughout the story, the character(s).
  • Extradiegetic narrator The narrator outside of the story
  • Intradiegetic narrator The narrator, protagonist, within the story
  • Metadiegetic narrator A story within a story
  • Unreliable narrator A narrator that withholds information from the reader, or lies to the reader
  • Character Someone in the story
  • Subcharacter A character close to the main character
  • Main character The lead character
  • Protagonist The main character that drives the story forward, sometimes referred to as the "hero" of the story
  • Antagonist The other main character in the story, often portrayed as the villain. Main role is to challenge the protagonist
  • Theme A central unifying idea
  • Motif A repetitive feature or idea- quote, picture, words, slogans, other features or ideas
  • Peripeti Plot twist
  • Symbol A figurative or literal object that represents something.
  • Imagery Visually descriptive or figurative language, appears often in literature
  • Passage of time Passing of time, flashback, story in chronological order
  • Setting A detailed language about the environment, the conceptualized world, the appearance of characters
  • Intrigue The plot, the story, storyline
  • Style The author’s writing style
  • Foreshadowing Clues that hint at what will happen next or later
  • Rising action The story gets more intense
  • Falling action Happens after the climax, and results in less tension
  • Climax The most intense, exciting, or important point of something

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