NAWL 1 & 2 (1-100)

Övningen är skapad 2016-01-14 av EllieLS. Antal frågor: 100.

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Alla Inga

  • A collection of skills or accomplishment Repertoire
  • To get Obtain
  • In statistics: an arrangement of values showing frequency of occurrence - in engineering: the way in which the fuel-air mixture is supplied to each cylinder of an engine - in commerce: delivery of products of services Distribution
  • A characteristic or constant factor, a limit Parameter
  • A quality, part, or element Aspect
  • Always active or changing; in physics: a force related to motion Dynamic
  • A striking effect or result, to hit with force Impact
  • A field of action, thought or influence; an area of knowledge Domain
  • To print in a book, journal or online Publish
  • Be a name or symbol for Denote
  • People in power; an expert whose views are accepted by most Authority
  • The different meanings of word Semantic
  • The usual amount Par
  • A charged atom Ion
  • A substance, situation, or enviroment in which something has its origin - in math: an arrangement of numbers in rows and columns matrix
  • made of lines linear
  • the process of knowing and remembering cognitive
  • a diagram that shows how variables are related graph
  • a measure of the relationship between two variables correlation
  • belonging to language linguistic
  • a substance that tastes sour, reacts with metals and carbonates, and turns blue litmus res. e.g. lemon juice acid
  • to cause, to persuade induce
  • speed in a given direction velocity
  • the distance between twi points, numbers or times interval
  • talk, conversation discourse
  • having limits; lasting for a limited time finite
  • something that makes a change stimulus
  • a quantitu that has both size and direction vector
  • a negatively charged particle electron
  • a device that receives information; in psysiology: a nerve ending that changes stimuli into impulses receptor
  • a statement that can be proved theorem
  • a logical rule or procedure that guarantees solving a problem algorithm
  • a material that can easily flow, e.g. water fluid
  • concerning the development or growth of a thing or person developmental
  • to go to a specified place; to jump bound
  • about or caused by moleculed molecular
  • a change transformation
  • about space spatial
  • a number multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression coefficient
  • changing from one form to another. e.g. changing from one language to another translation
  • a nerve cell; the basic building block of the nervous system neuron
  • a copy; a method that is used to study and analyze the characteristics of the real world simulation
  • about words lexical
  • a system of management; a form of government regime
  • the amount of difference; a statistic that measures the variability of a distribution variance
  • two or more atoms chemically combined molecule
  • something that is easy to recognize or identify marker
  • based on observation or experiment empirical
  • a mechanical creature that acts like a human robot
  • a thin covering of tissue membrane
  • about statistics statistical
  • a speech sound; a, e, i, o, u and sometime y vowel
  • a state of balance equilibrium
  • a great energy, strenght, concentration; in phsysics: intensity = power/unit of are intensity
  • going back; in statistics: a type of correlational procedure that focuses on predicting the values of an outcome based on its correlation with another variable regression
  • a decision a doctor makes based on a patiens history and the results of an examination diagnosis
  • the state of being identified; something that identifies a person identification
  • an intersection or junction point in a network; a part on a plant where a new leaf grows node
  • a person who is selected by others as a contestant for an office or honor candidate
  • not complete; favoring one side over another partial
  • to show the relationship between two items or events correlate
  • the quality or state of being human and being able to die mortality
  • a defense provided by the body against diseases antibody
  • concerning time temporal
  • a very small piece of something particle
  • the lenght of time that something lasts duration
  • concerning the way someone acts behavioral
  • how much is spent on things; the process of eating and drinking consumption
  • a person who speaks two languages bilingual
  • being sensitive; in physiology: the ability of an orgaism or part of an organism to react to stimuli; in electronics: the ability of a radio device to react to incoming signals sensitivity
  • best optimal
  • definite, clearly stated explicit
  • a change; in genetics: any event that changes genetic structure mutation
  • concerning living in a colony colonial
  • the wavelength of colors from red to violet spectrum
  • concerning sound phonological
  • control center of a cell nucleus
  • the beginning onset
  • bringing things together into a whole integration
  • strongest dominant
  • a route; in biochemistry: a sequence of reactions pathway
  • to bring order and organization to something; in math: any of the magnitudes that serve to define the position of a point or line by reference to a fixed figure or system of lines coordinate
  • the answer to a sum; the act of calculating calculation
  • to go before precede
  • a small set that is part of a larget set subset
  • grammatical syntactic
  • the ability to locate oneself in one's environment with reference to time, place, and people orientation
  • an idea; a suggestion proposition
  • not the same; in math: a statement that compares two quantities using <, > inequality
  • the same in every way identical
  • widespread, commmon, general prevalence
  • difference, diversity differential
  • to make a common idea or conclusion from facts generalize
  • a long piece of metal or wood; a line of light or energy beam
  • beat of the heart pulse
  • an established standard of performance or behavior norm
  • a characteristic trait
  • a statement of what will happen next prediction
  • communication by writing; a similarity correspondence
  • the degree to which people or things are the same similarity

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