one night at the museum walk 2

Övningen är skapad 2024-09-25 av emmaskog. Antal frågor: 26.

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  • sneak go quietly and secretly in order to avoid being seen or heard
  • pad walk softly and quietly.
  • prowl walk slowly and quietly because you are involved in a criminal activity or because you are looking for something
  • slide move smoothly over a surface
  • slip slide accidentally.
  • dash move quickly and suddenly, rush. (not dar)
  • dart move quickly and suddenly in the specified direction. (not dash)
  • scamper run quickly and playfully. T
  • sprint run very quickly for a short distance.
  • jog run slowly and steadily, as a way of exercising
  • trip over catch one's foot on something and stumble or fall.
  • scuttle move quickly with short steps, because you are afraid or do not want to be noticed. (not scurry)
  • scurry move quickly with short steps, because you are in a hurry. (not scuttle)
  • skip move forward with quick steps and jumps.
  • lope run with long steps. (not lollop)
  • lollop run with long awkward steps. (not lope)
  • tear run or move quickly in a dangerous or careless way. (not rush)
  • rush hurry, move quickly because you need to get somewhere soon. (not tear)
  • hop move by jumping on one foot.
  • trip walk with short quick steps, usually as young giris do.
  • lunge make a sudden movement towards somebody or something
  • scramble climb up or down, or over something quickly and with difficulty.
  • hike take a long walk in the mountains or countryside, as an adventure.
  • paddle (UK), wade (US) walk for pleasure without shoes or socks in water that is not very deep
  • waddle walk with short steps, moving the body from one side to another.
  • prance walk with high steps or large movements, in a confident way.

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