Organisation modeller

Övningen är skapad 2022-10-11 av Klingan00. Antal frågor: 32.

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Alla Inga

  • Carnegie model coalition, problemistic search, satisfacing
  • Coalition alliance of managers who agree about goals
  • Satisfacing organisation accept a ok level than a maximum
  • Problemistic search managers look in the immediate enviroment to find a quick soloution
  • Identification phase recognition of a problem, diagnosis, information gathered to define the problem situation
  • Selection phase judgement evaluation, analysis evaluation, bargaining evaluation
  • Problematic preferences goals, problems, solution are ill-defined
  • Unclear poorly understood technology cause and effect is not clear
  • Garbage can model problematic preferences, Unclear poorly understood technology, turnover
  • Turnover turnover in positions
  • Incremental decision process model identification phase, development phase, selection phase
  • Development phase search procedures used before or design a custom
  • Clan culture Involvement, focus on changing expectations from enviroment, good wages, fashion
  • Adaptbility culture Focus on external enviroment, flexibility to meet customer needs, tech
  • Bureaucratic culture Internal focus and consistency, well established policies
  • Mission culture Clear vision and purpose. Serves specific customer, No need to rapid change, sports teams
  • Flexibility - control the competitive enviroment requires flexibility or stability
  • Internal - external strategic focus are external or internal
  • Low uncertainty Mechanistic structure, simple and stable, no integrating roles
  • Low moderate uncertainty Mechanistic structure, complex and stable, few integrating roles
  • High moderate uncertainty Organic structure, simple and unstable, few integrating roles
  • high uncertainty organic structure, complex and unstable, many integrating roles
  • low - high uncertainty Boundary spanning, integrating roles, departments, planning and speed of responce
  • Org. life cycle Entrepreneurial, collectivity, formalization, elaboration
  • Entrepreneurial Informal, non bureaucratic, all energy to technical activities
  • Entrepreneurial crisis Need for leardership
  • collectivity Deparments established, hierarchy of authority, clear goals
  • collectivity crisis Need for delegation, top mangers need to give up responsibility
  • Formalization Use of rules and control system, engineers and HR implemented, management focus on strategy
  • formalization crisis to much red tape, innovation restricted, initiativ from managers restricted
  • elaboration Creation of new collab or teamwork, managers needs to develop skills and diagnosing problems
  • Elaboration crisis Need for revitalization

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