
Övningen är skapad 2025-01-26 av roxpad. Antal frågor: 25.

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  • Subconscious The part of the mind that influences thoughts and feelings without one being fully aware of it.
  • Precaution Action taken in advance to prevent harm or ensure safety.
  • Intently With focused attention or concentration.
  • Epicentre The central point of something, especially a significant event or activity.
  • Detach Separate or disconnect something; emotionally or physically disengage.
  • Strain A state of stress or tension, whether emotional, physical, or societal.
  • Itinerant Traveling from place to place, often for work or as a way of life.
  • Inscribe Write, carve, or etch into a surface, often with meaning or permanence.
  • Riot A violent disturbance or protest by a crowd, often in response to perceived injustices.
  • Suburb A residential area on the outskirts of a city, often associated with specific societal or economic classes.
  • Suppress Forcibly restrain, silence, or hold back, whether referring to emotions, voices, or movements.
  • Implore Beg or plead earnestly and desperately.
  • Take heed To pay attention or consider something carefully, often as a warning.
  • Keening A loud, mournful cry, often associated with grief or loss.
  • Audaciously Boldly or daringly, often in a way that challenges conventions or authority.
  • Intrusion The act of entering a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited.
  • Persistent Continuing firmly or steadily in spite of challenges or opposition.
  • Denunciation Public condemnation or accusation of wrongdoing.
  • Embassy A diplomatic office or building representing a country in a foreign nation.
  • Flogging A form of punishment involving whipping or beating, often symbolic of oppression or cruelty.
  • Glower To glare or stare angrily or with disapproval.
  • Aspirational Having strong ambitions or desires to achieve something greater, often tied to ideals or success.
  • Cultivate Refine or develop, often referring to a person’s manners, intellect, or land.
  • Cordon-off Enclose or restrict access to an area, often for security or safety reasons.
  • Persecution The act of oppressing or harassing someone, especially because of their identity, beliefs, or race.

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