Perspectives (vocabulary)

Övningen är skapad 2025-01-21 av klarre. Antal frågor: 34.

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  • Bourgeoisie (Marxism) Ruling class who own the means of production
  • Proletariat (Marxism) Working class who sell their labour to survive
  • Alienation (Marxism) Feeling disconnected from one's labour
  • False consciousness (Marxism) Working class believes in ideas that benefit the ruling class
  • Class struggle (Marxism) This drives societal change
  • Capitalism (Marxism) Economic system where private individuals own businesses and wealth
  • Exploitation (Marxism) The act of taking unfair advantage of workers for profit
  • Means of Production (Marxism) The resources (eg factories) needed to produce goods
  • Revolution (Marxism) A radical change in society, often led by the working class
  • Colonial Subjects (Postcolonialism) People from colonized countries, often subject to foreign rule and exploitation
  • Colonialist Identity (Postcolonialism) The colonizers' belief that they are better than the people they colonize
  • Cultural Colonization (Postcolonialism) The spread of the colonizer's culture
  • Decolonization (Postcolonialism) The process of freeing a country or culture from colonial control
  • Demonic or Exotic 'Other' (Postcolonialism) Seeing colonized people either as evil or as fascinating and wild because they are different
  • Eurocentrism (Postcolonialism) Judging all cultures by European values, assuming European culture is the best
  • Hybridity (Postcolonialism) The mixing of cultures that happens when colonized people combine their traditions with the colonizers' influence
  • Mimicry (Postcolonialism) When colonized people imitate the colonizers, either to fit in or to mock them
  • Multiculturalism (Postcolonialism) When different cultural groups live together and respect each other's traditions
  • Orientalism (Postcolonialism) Creating a false, negative image of non-Western countries to make Western countries look better
  • Othering (Postcolonialism) Treating people who are different as if they are less important
  • Resistance (Postcolonialism) Action taken by colonized people to fight against colonial rule or influence
  • Subaltern (Postcolonialism) People in colonized societies who are at the very bottom of the social hierarchy
  • Autonomy (Feminism) The ability to make independent decisions and have control over one's own life
  • Center-Margin (Feminism) A concept that examines the power dynamics between dominant (center) and marginalized (margin) groups
  • Empowerment (Feminism) The process of gaining confidence to improve one's status and achieve personal goals
  • Equality (Feminism) The state of being equal, especially in rights, status and opportunities
  • Gender (Feminism) The social roles that a society considers appropriate for men, woman and other gender identities
  • Intersectionality (Feminism) A framework that examines how different aspects of a person's identity intersect to create unique experiences of discrimination or privilege
  • Patriarchy (Feminism) Male dominated society
  • Biological sex (Feminism) Classification of people as male, female or intersex based on biological characteristics
  • Solidarity (Feminism) Unity and mutual support within a group
  • Stereotypes (Feminism) Oversimplified and generalized ideas about a group of people
  • Subversion (Feminism) The act of challenging or undermining established norms
  • Voice (Feminism) The ability or right to express oneself

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