Physiology 2

Övningen är skapad 2024-03-19 av latinarkul. Antal frågor: 57.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

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  • Atrial systole (time) 0.1 s
  • Ventricular systole (time) 0.3 s
  • isovolumetric contraction (time) 0.04 s
  • ejection (time) 0.26 s
  • common diastole = both ventricle and atrium relaxing (time) 0.4 s
  • isovolumetric relaxation (time) 0.08 s
  • passive filling (time) 0.32 s
  • pulse wave velocity (aorta) 5 m/s
  • pulse wave velocity (hand arteries) 6-8 m/s
  • pulse wave velocity (leg arteries) 7-9 m/s
  • max systolic (ejection) pressure left ventricle 125-130 mmHg
  • max systolic (ejection) pressure right ventricle 25-30 mmHg
  • Cardiac output (CO) at rest 4-6 l/min
  • cardiac output (CO) during physical activity 15-30 l/min
  • cardiac index 2.5-4 l/min/m2
  • stroke volume (at rest?) 60-100 ml
  • reserve volume 20-40 ml
  • residual volume 10-20 ml
  • end diastolic volume (EDV) equal to... StrokeV+reserveV+residualV
  • end systolic volume (ESV) is equal to... reserveV+residualV
  • ejection fraction is equal to... SV/EDV
  • ejection fraction (norm) 50-70%
  • systolic pressure (Ps) norm less or equal to 120 mmHg
  • diastolic pressure (Pd) norm less or equal to 80 mmHg
  • pulse pressure (Pp) = ... Ps-Pd
  • pulse pressure is related to... stroke volume
  • systolic pressure is related to... force of contraction and stiffness of aorta
  • diastolic pressure is related to... TPR
  • Hydrostatic pressure arteriole side (Pca) 35 mmHg
  • Hydrostatic pressure interstitial space (Pi) 3 mmHg
  • Hydrostatric pressure venule side (Pcv) 15 mmHg
  • colloid osmotic pressure capillary (Pi-cap) 25 mmHg
  • colloid osmotic pressure (Pi-inter) 5 mmHg
  • Net hydrostatic pressure (delta P) = ... Pcap-Pinter
  • delta P describes... resulting force that stimulates filtration
  • net colloid osmotic pressure (delta pi) = ... Picap-Piinter
  • delta pi describes resulting force that stimulates reabsorption
  • effective filtration pressure (Pef) = ... Delta P - Delta pi
  • effective filtration pressure describes... which pressure is greater
  • CVP normal 0-6 mmHg
  • norm lymph into thoracic ducts 100 ml/h
  • norm lymph into right lymphatic ducts 20 ml/h
  • adult lymph norm 2-3 l/h
  • BV neural vasoconstrictors Symp fibers T1-L3
  • BV neural vasodilators Para fibers, symp fibers T1-L3, axon reflex
  • BV central hormonal vasocontrictors Epi (alpha1), Norep (alpha1), Renin-angiotensin (AT1, AT2), Vasopressin (V1)
  • BV central hormonal vasodilators Epi (Beta2), ANP, BNP
  • Peripheral myogenic vasocontriction stretch
  • Peripheral myogenic vasodilators no stretch
  • peripheral hormonal vasocontrictors serotonin, tromboxan (A2), leucotrienes, endothelins
  • peripheral hormonal vasodilators histamine, kinines, NO, PGI2, PGE2, EDHF
  • peripheral metabolic vasocontrictors dec Pco2, inc Po2, inc pH, dec adenosine, dec K+
  • peripheral metabolic vasodilators inc Pco2, dec Po2, dec pH, inc adenosine, inc K+
  • max oxygen uptake untrained (l/min) 2-3 l/min
  • max oxygen uptake trained (l/min) up to 6.5 l/min
  • average oxygen uptake (men) (ml/min/kg) 35-45 ml/min/kg
  • average oxygen uptake (women) (ml/min/kg) 30-40 ml/min/kg

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