Political vocabulary: Part 1

Övningen är skapad 2023-09-14 av Idunna. Antal frågor: 20.

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  • ballot A system of voting, especially secret. To vote by ballot.
  • Ballot paper Paper or card marked by a person who votes.
  • Ballot box A box in which voters deposit their market ballots.
  • Bill Draft of a proposed law to be discussed in parliament where it will be amended, passed or thrown out.
  • Bipartisan Involving two political parties.
  • Campaign Planned activities in an organised effort to win an election.
  • Coalition Alliance of two or more political parties, usually to form a government.
  • Constitution A statement of the fundamental principles and laws by which a country or state is governed.
  • Coup d'etat Sudden, often violent, change of government when a group, such as the military, takes control.
  • Democracy A form of government where elections are held and people vote for the candidate of their choice to represent them.
  • Dictatorship A form of government in which a single individual, who has often seized power by force, exercises political authority using arbitrary and oppressive methods.
  • Dissolution The termination of the current parliament, which takes place before a general election.
  • Election The process of voting for a candidate or representative.
  • Electorate All the people who can vote in an election.
  • Gerrymander/Gerrymandering Rearrange the voting districts in order to ensure more votes for the party in power.
  • Government A political body that exercises authority over a nation or state and has the power to make and enforce laws.
  • Grass roots Ordinary people in a society, as opposed to those who are in power.
  • Hustings The political activities, meetings and speeches that happen before an election.
  • Incumbent Person currently holding an official position.
  • Landslide victory Win an election with a large majority of votes.

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