Pragmatics 2

Övningen är skapad 2019-08-06 av annisss. Antal frågor: 36.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • Contrastive pragmatics the study of culturally different ways of using language
  • conventional implicature an additional unstated meaning associated with the use of a specific word
  • Conventional implicatures example even included in any sentence describing an event, there is an implicature of contrary to expectation
  • conversational style particular way of participating in conversation
  • cooperative principle a basic assumption in conversation that each participant will attempt to contribute appropriately, at the required time, to the current exchange of talk
  • co-text the linguistic enviroment in which a word is used
  • co-text example Brazil wins World Cup. The co-text clearly limits the range of possible interpretations we might have for a word like Brazil
  • counterfactual presupposition the assumption that certain information is opposite of the true
  • counterfactual presupposition example If you were my friend, you would have helped me. You are not my friend
  • cross-cultural pragmatics the study of different expectations among different communities regarding how meaning is constructed
  • cultural schemata pre-existing knowledge structures based on experience in a particular culture
  • declaration a speech act that brings about change by being uttered, judge pronouncing a sentence
  • deference strategy feature of interactive talk emphasizing the non-personal and freedom from imposition
  • deference strategy example There´s going to be a party, if you can make it.
  • Deictic center The speaker´s location/time
  • deictic center example now
  • Deictic projection speakers acting as if they are somewhere else
  • deictic projection example I will come later= movement to addresse´s location
  • deixis pointing via language using a deictic expression this or here
  • directive a speech act used to get someone else to do something, for example an order
  • direct speech act speech act where a direct relationship exists between the structure and communicative function of an utterance, usin an interrogative form Can you ? to ask a question
  • discourse analysis the study of language use with reference to the social and physchological factors that influence communication
  • dispreferred the structurally unexpected next utterance as a response, an invitation is normally followed by an acceptance so a refusal is dispreferred
  • distal away from the speaker " that or " there "
  • ellipsis the absence of word or words from a structural slot
  • entailment something that logically follows from what is asserted
  • entailment example Mary´s brother bought three horses. The speaker will be expected to have the presupposition that a person called Mary exists and that she has a brother
  • essential condition covers the fact that by the act of uttering a promise, I thereby intend to create an obligation to carry out the action as promised
  • exclusive we addresse excluded
  • existential presupposition by using an expressions like the girl next door, there is a presupposition that this person exists.
  • explicit performative A speech act containing a performative verb
  • explicit performative example I hereby tell you that the work was done by Elaine and myself
  • expressive speech acts that state what the speaker feels or attitude an apology
  • face a person´s self-image
  • face saving act utterance or action which avoids a personal threat to a person´s self-image
  • Face saving act example perhaps you could ask him if he is going to stop soon

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