Quranic Vocabulary #153

Övningen är skapad 2023-02-05 av Mhdn. Antal frågor: 28.

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  • سَاهَمَ He drew lots
  • الْمُدْحَضِينَ The losers
  • فَالْتَقَمَهُ Then swallowed him
  • الْحُوتَ The fish
  • بِالْعَرَاءِ Onto the open shore
  • يَقْطِينٍ Gourd
  • صَالِ To burn
  • الصَّافُّونَ Stand in rows
  • مَنَاصٍ Escape
  • اخْتِلَاقٌ A fabrication
  • لِرُقِيِّكَ In your ascension
  • مَهْزُومٌ Defeated
  • الْأَوْتَادِ Stakes
  • عِقَابِ My penalty
  • فَوَاقٍ Delay
  • قِطَّنَا Our share
  • ذَا الْأَيْدِ The possessor of strength
  • فَصْلَ الْخِطَابِ Decisive speech
  • تَسَوَّرُوا They climbed over the wall
  • الْمِحْرَابِ The prayer chamber
  • تُشْطِطْ Be unjust
  • نَعْجَةٌ Ewe
  • أَكْفِلْنِيهَا Entrust her to me
  • الْفُجَّارَ The wicked
  • عَرَضَهُمْ He displayed them
  • الصَّافِنَاتُ الْجِيَادُ Excellent bred steeds
  • تَوَارَتْ They were hidden
  • بِالسُّوقِ Over the legs

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