Ready Steady Go 3:1

Övningen är skapad 2024-01-31 av etmarite. Antal frågor: 29.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • application a piece of paper to fill in before you go to camp
  • approved agreed to or said yes to
  • ban to forbid or say no to something
  • camp a place where young people go on holiday together
  • charge what you have to pay for something
  • connect to go online or to join together two things
  • curious wants to hear, know or learn
  • disconnect to go offline, to break contact
  • invite to ask someone to come to something
  • make a fool of myself to do something embarrassing
  • participant take part in something
  • scholarship money to help you study or go to camp
  • spend use time or money on something
  • surprised how you act when something unexpected happens
  • ad text, picture or film to make people by a product
  • amazing something that is very special
  • arrive to reach a place when you travel
  • attend to go to a camp, a school or an event
  • attract to make a person interested
  • challenge to do something new, different or difficult
  • to cuddle to put your arms around, to hug
  • each every person or everything in a group of more than two
  • exciting very interesting or inspiring
  • hold to arrange or organize something, for example a meeting
  • included when you get many things for one price
  • manage to be able to, to reach your goal
  • refer to to tell about another person, book, website to go to
  • stranger someone you don't know
  • youth (the period) when you are young

Alla Inga

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