SATwords 5

Övningen är skapad 2019-12-12 av Weidenberg. Antal frågor: 13.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • abstinence to refrain from doing something that you enjoy. ex alcohol
  • amicable you come to a settlement that is pleasant to both sides
  • arid land that is extremely dry
  • assiduous very careful to make sure that something is done properly and completely
  • acrimonious full of anger, arguments, bed feeling. because people feel very strong about something
  • ambivalent not sure if you like something or not
  • animated showing a lot of interest and energy
  • apathy no energy or interest of doing something
  • audacity having enough courage to take risks or say impolite things
  • aviary a large case where birds are kept
  • lethargy/lethargic the feeling when you’re not interested or not caring about special things or life
  • gullible ready to believe what people tells you
  • infallible always be right and never makes mistakes

Alla Inga

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