Schoolgirl - Osamu Dazai

Övningen är skapad 2022-11-02 av psyduck. Antal frågor: 24.

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  • innocuous not harmful or offensive
  • arbitrary random, whimsical, chance
  • burgeoning beginning to grow or increase rapidly
  • reeds a plant
  • chagrin annoyance or distress of humiliation
  • afflict cause pain or trouble
  • brazen bold and without shame
  • guile sly, cunning
  • bogus not genuine or true
  • semblance outward appearance, apparent form
  • profusely to a great degree; in large amounts
  • introspection examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes
  • interminable endless or apparently endless
  • squalid extremely dirty or unpleasant
  • periphery the outer limits or edge of an area or object
  • lurid unpleasantly bright in colour
  • assuage make an unpleasant feeling less intense, ease, relieve
  • exasperation a feeling of intense irritation or annoyance
  • searing extremely hot or intense
  • jauntily happy and confident
  • translucent allowing light to pass through
  • contrite feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong
  • agape wide open in surprise or wonder
  • obsequious obedient or attentive to excessive or servile degree

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