Second language acquisition 5

Övningen är skapad 2019-05-26 av annisss. Antal frågor: 6.

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  • teachability hypothesis teaching learners a grammatical structure will only be successful if they are developmentally ready to learn it
  • transitional constructions the interim grammatical structures that learners manifest during the sequenceof acquisition. Different interim structures are evident at different stages of development
  • Universal Grammar the abstract principles that comprise a child´s innate knowledge of language and that guide L1 acquisition
  • U-shaped course of development the pattern of learning evident when learners use a correct target-language form at one stage, replace it with ungrammatical interlanguage form, and then finally return to use the correct target-language form
  • vernacular style when speakers are communicating spontaneously and fredlys and consequently not attending the forms they choose
  • zone of proximal development uses this term to refer to the cognitive level that a child is not yet at but is capable of preforming attityd adult guidance

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