secretion systems 2

Övningen är skapad 2022-03-22 av PopcornDidde. Antal frågor: 6.

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  • Bacteria evolved protein export and secretion systems to overcome the physical barriers imposed by the cytoplasmic and outer membranes T
  • Gram-positive bacteria possess dedicated systems for protein secretion through their outer membrane. F
  • SRP-dependent protein export to the periplasm is a feature common to both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. F
  • With the appropriate recognition sequences, periplasmic protein intermediates can be secreted across the outer membrane via a T2SS, T5SS or a chaperone/usher (CU) pathway. T
  • T3SS, T4SS and T6SS have the capacity to transport proteins directly from the bacterial cytoplasm into an infected eukaryotic cell. T
  • Requiring only two components to mediate protein secretion, the CU pathway is the most simple secretion system known. F

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