Short Cuts: The Tell-Tale heart p. 132-134

Övningen är skapad 2022-02-25 av LararMita. Antal frågor: 44.

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  • ache a persistent, often moderate, pain (e.g headache)
  • agony intense feelings of suffering (mental or physical pain)
  • almighty having unlimited power
  • annoy disturb; irritate
  • approach coming closer; moving towards something
  • arise, arose, arisen occur; come/rise up
  • dulled not as clear or sharp anymore (sense, mind, knife, surface)
  • disease illness; unhealthy or abnormal functioning
  • decease a person's death
  • make up your mind to decide
  • conceive to imagine; to think; to invent; to form an idea
  • insult an offensive remark or action
  • resemble to look like, or be like s.t. or s.b
  • vulture a large bird without feathers on its head, a bird of prey
  • proceed to continue as planned
  • caution great care and attention; advise or a warning
  • foresight the ability to judge correctly what is going to happen in the future; prediction
  • latch a fastening device for a door or a gate
  • sufficient enough for a particular purpose
  • insufficient not enough
  • suffice verb: to be enough
  • lantern a light in a container with handles
  • cautious careful; avoiding risks, well considered
  • put, put, put move s.t. or s.o into the stated place; to write s.t. or express in words
  • lie, lay, lain to be in or move into a horizontal position (e.g. on a bed)
  • lay, laid, laid to put down, often carefully and horizontal
  • lie, lied, lied not telling the truth
  • ray a narrow beam of light travelling in a straight line
  • bold brave; courageous; not afraid
  • hearty enthusiastic, strong, loud
  • inquiry question
  • scarcely only just
  • contain hold; control; have inside
  • deed action (can also be a legal document)
  • startled surprised and slightly frightened
  • mortal causing death; having to die; ( can also be an ordinary person)
  • beetle an insect with a hard shell-like back
  • bosom the front of a person's chest
  • chimney a hollow structure, going through the roof of e.g. a house, which allows smoke from e.g. a fireplace to escape to the air outside
  • cricket a black or brown small insect which makes short loud noises
  • in vain unsuccessful
  • envelop to cover or surround something completely
  • envelope a container for a letter
  • mournful very sad

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