Sociology exam #2

Övningen är skapad 2022-10-19 av hannahentze. Antal frågor: 25.

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Alla Inga

  • ascribed status something you were born with that you can't control
  • achieved status we achieve something to get to this point
  • master status the position we most identify with and by others (ex. im a woman)
  • social institutions education, healthcare, family, media
  • Who coined dramaturgi? Goffman
  • Who "coined" ethnomethodology? Garfinkle
  • what is ethnomethodology? study how to make sense of everyday life
  • aggregate people who temporarily share the same physical space
  • category collection of people that share similar characteristics (attribute, interest)
  • what's a primary group? intimate group (family, friends)
  • what's a secondary group? larger, formal groups
  • Whats reference group? groups we use as a standard to evaluate ourselves. de som vi jämför oss med
  • whats a dyad? a group of 2
  • Who talked about relationships in groups? Simmel
  • Whats the two types of group leader? Instrumental group leader and expressive group leader
  • what the three types of leadership styles? Authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire
  • Whats is the ID about? pleasure
  • What is the ego about? balances the superego and ID
  • What is the superego about? Norms, values and culture
  • degradation ceremony? strip away someones identity
  • What did Cooley coin? The looking glass self
  • What did Cooley say? We develop our sense of self through social interaction
  • What was important to Mead? How important play is for developing self
  • Whats the three stage of role taking? Imitation, play and team games
  • What is a role strain when we have conflict within one role

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