Stone Mattress - Margaret Atwood

Övningen är skapad 2020-02-15 av rubenbrundell. Antal frågor: 50.

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  • Mattress the part of a bed, made of a strong cloth cover filled with firm material, that makes the bed comfortable to lie on.
  • Algae very simple, usually small plants that grow in or near water and do not have ordinary leaves or roots.
  • Cushion a bag made of cloth, plastic, or leather that is filled with soft material, often has an attractive cover, and is used especially on chairs for sitting or leaning on.
  • Fossilized having become a fossil (= something preserved in rock for a very long period).
  • Clad (of people) dressed, or (of things) covered.
  • Apraising to examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success, or needs.
  • Arduous difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy.
  • Burr a very small, round seed container that sticks to clothes and to animals' fur because it is covered in little hooks.
  • Solitary A solitary person or thing is the only person or thing in a place.
  • Cherish to love, protect, and care for someone or something that is important to you.
  • Perch to be in a high position or in a position near the edge of something, or to put something in this position.
  • Buttress a structure made of stone or brick that sticks out from and supports a wall of a building.
  • Pucker to tighten skin or cloth until small folds appear or (of skin or cloth) to form small folds.
  • Finesse (verb) to deal with a situation or a person in a skilful and often slightly dishonest way.
  • Tennyson a 19th century, Brittish poet.
  • Dab to touch something with quick light touches, or to put a substance on something with quick light touches:
  • Scent a pleasant natural smell.
  • Attentive listening carefully.
  • Earnest sincere and serious.
  • Substantial large in size, value, or importance.
  • Phallic representing, shaped like, or relating to male genitals.
  • Preposterous very silly or stupid.
  • Lopsided with one side bigger, higher, etc. than the other; not equally balanced.
  • Insignificant small or not noticeable, and therefore not considered important.
  • Carnation (a plant with) a small flower with a sweet smell, usually white, pink, or red in colour.
  • Strenuous needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy.
  • Meek quiet, gentle, and not willing to argue or express your opinions in a forceful way.
  • To gloat to feel or express great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success or good luck, or someone else's failure or bad luck.
  • Decampment to depart secretly or suddenly.
  • Convertible a car with a soft roof that can be folded back.
  • Mickey of rye liquor.
  • Catatonic If someone is catatonic, they are stiff and not moving or reacting, as if dead.
  • Invulnerable impossible to damage or hurt in any way.
  • Smuttiness sexual material or behaviour which some people find offensive.
  • Leer to look at someone in a sexually interested way.
  • Unwed not married.
  • Outskirts the areas that form the edge of a town or city.
  • Delinquents a person, usually young, who behaves in a way that is illegal or not acceptable to most people.
  • Chore a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly.
  • A bout a brief period of illness or involvement in an activity.
  • Jettison to get rid of something or someone that is not wanted or needed.
  • Solicitous showing care and helpful attention to someone.
  • Tusk either of the two long, pointed teeth of some animals such as elephants.
  • Liposuction an operation in which fat is sucked out from under the skin.
  • Bygone belonging to or happening in a past time.
  • Ridge a long, narrow raised part of a surface, especially a high edge along a mountain.
  • Gauze a very thin, light cloth, used to make clothing, to cover cuts and to separate solids from liquids, etc..
  • Lichen a grey, green, or yellow plant-like organism that grows on rocks, walls, and trees.
  • Caper to run and jump about in an energetic, happy way.
  • Victorian belonging to, made in, or living in the time when Queen Victoria was queen of Great Britain and Ireland (1837–1901).

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