Summer 2024

Övningen är skapad 2024-08-10 av jennyholmqvist. Antal frågor: 56.

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  • pontificating expressing one's opinion ia a pompous and dogmatic way
  • listless about a preson, lacking energy or enthusiasm
  • refactory stubborn or unmanageable
  • laudanum an alcoholic solution containing morphine
  • rest on your laurels be satisfied with your achievements, refers to the laurel wreath awarded to the athletes in the pythian games
  • strife angry or bitter dosagreement over fundamental issues, conflict
  • epitaph a phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died, esp as an inscription on a tombstone
  • arms akimbo from middle English, place in a sharp angle, used to be a neutral expression, now communicates aggressiveness or defiance
  • boon a thing that is helpful or beneficial
  • tongue in cheek characterized by incinerity, irony or whimsical exaggeration
  • colloquialism informal, everyday language that is used by a specific geographical region
  • egregious conspicuous, iögonenfallande, framträdande, slående
  • pinnacle the top, the most successful or admireds part of a system or achievement, a small pointed tower on top of a building
  • favela slum
  • incumbent innevarande, sittande
  • swift bird husseglare, liknar ladusvala
  • fieldfare björktrast
  • flaggelation flogging or beating for sexual or religious gratification
  • morose sullen or ill-tempered
  • toff derogatory, rich upper-class person
  • subterfuge deceit in order to achieve one's goal (undanflykt, svepskäl)
  • talon claw, esp one belongoing to a bird of prey
  • fey having supernatural powers of clairvoyance
  • fay fairy
  • kestrel tornfalk
  • portend bad weather be a sign or warning about bad weather
  • chaffinch bofink
  • bulwark a defensive wall
  • starling stare
  • inimical tending to obstruct or harm, hostile (how the hawk saw white)
  • cantankerous bad-tempered, argumentative and uncooperative
  • merlin stenfalk
  • subterfuge deceipt in order to achieve one's goal
  • ferox from latin, whild, bold, fierce
  • go prone lie down
  • seraphic angelic, morally good being
  • salient most noticeably, protrudent
  • congregate gather into a crowd or mass
  • disseminate spread
  • nimbus a luminous cloud or a healo surrounding a supernatural being or saint, or a large grey rain cloud
  • sylvan consisting of or associated with wood
  • moult of an animal, shear old feathers, hair or skin to make way for a new one
  • vie compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something
  • duplicitous deceitful
  • obsequious obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree, fawning, inställsam
  • digress leave the main subject temporarily in a speech or writing
  • pernicious anemia anemia that is having a harmful effect, esp in a gradual or subtle way
  • liminal mind mind occupying a position on both sides of a boundary or threshold
  • endogenous depression depression growing or originating from within an organism
  • sheaf a bundle of grain stalks bound together after reaping, kärve
  • crony close friend or companion, often derogatory, stallkamrat
  • olfactory relating to he sense of smell
  • modish conforming to or following with what is currently popular or fashinonable, often derogatory
  • buck slang, a contemptous term referring to a Black American man or a
  • denizen a person, animal or plant that lives or is found in a particular place
  • steeple a church tower or spire

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