Övningen är skapad 2018-11-13 av kajbentfors. Antal frågor: 21.

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Alla Inga

  • They used to swim in _________ Baltic sea. the
  • Last year, we swam in ________ Mediterranean. the
  • We like to swim in __________ Lake Wettern. -
  • ____ Mount Omberg is east of Lake Wettern. -
  • ____ Rocky Mountains are in the west. the
  • We used to dine at ______ Ship. (pub) the
  • But I would like to dine at _____Joe's. -
  • ______ Thames flows thru London. the
  • _____ Guardian is published daily. the
  • I read that in ________ Newsweek or Time. -
  • They sailed on ______ Queen Mary. the
  • They lived in ______USA. the
  • They put up at _______Hilton. the
  • Nothing was left to ______ chance. -
  • _______ Vengeance is mine said the avenger. -
  • _______ Gulag in Siberia was terrible. the
  • Instead of losing ________ face, he went away very quickly. -
  • The news was televised by _______ BBC in London. the
  • The game was present at ________ Olympics. the
  • ______ London is England's capital. -
  • ______ London that Stephenson had a vision of, would be a technological miracle. the

Alla Inga

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