The consumer is always right...right?

Övningen är skapad 2025-02-24 av ebbadalmo. Antal frågor: 25.

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Alla Inga

  • holistic dealing with the whole of something, not just a part of it
  • retailer person/company that sells goods directly to the public
  • numerous several, many
  • percolate spread slowly
  • insatiable limitless, cannot be satisfied
  • discarded rejected, thrown away
  • estimated guessed
  • fundamental most important, central
  • fad short-lived trend
  • predicated based, established
  • pipe dream wish that is very unlikely to come true
  • deliberation discussion, debate
  • attainable possible, achievable
  • poor lacking
  • elicit manage to get a certain reaction/information from someone
  • aspiration ambition, goal
  • hedonistic pleasure-seeking, self-indulgent
  • turn a blind eye ignore
  • primeval natural, primitive
  • inherent basic, integral
  • nutrient substance that provides nourishment
  • case in point an example that illustrates a point
  • density concentration, thickness
  • commodity something basic to be bought and sold
  • soluble able to be dissolved

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