The Hate U Give - Chapters 18-20

Övningen är skapad 2020-09-10 av rubenbrundell. Antal frågor: 19.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • Shrub A large plant with a rounded shape formed from many small branches growing either directly from the ground or from a hard stem, grown in gardens.
  • Gon' Going to
  • Hiss To make a noise like a long s sound.
  • Etiquette The set of rules or customs that control accepted behaviour in particular social groups or social situations.
  • Mercy Kindness that makes you forgive someone, usually someone that you have authority over:.
  • A sectional A sectional piece of furniture is made up of parts that can be arranged in various ways.
  • Sundae A food made from ice cream, with pieces of fruit, nuts, cream, sweet sauce, etc. on top of it.
  • Determine To control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen.
  • Recite To say a piece of writing aloud from memory, or to publicly say a list of things.
  • Adequate Enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose.
  • A cul de sac A short road that is blocked off at one end.
  • An ounce (abbriveation: oz) A unit of weight equal to approximately 28 grams.
  • An atrium A very large room, often with glass walls or roof, especially in the middle of a large shop or office building.
  • Grief Very great sadness, especially at the death of someone.
  • Refined A refined substance has been made pure by removing other substances from it.
  • Jumble An untidy and confused mixture of things, feelings, or ideas.
  • Smug Too pleased or satisfied about something you have achieved or something you know.
  • Ancestor A person related to you who lived a long time ago.
  • Headmaster A man who is in charge of a school.

Alla Inga

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