The Landlady - Roald Dahl

Övningen är skapad 2022-12-01 av Jentha. Antal frågor: 47.

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Alla Inga

  • a bit of all right (old fashioned) enjoyable
  • baby-grand piano smallest of long, three legged pianos
  • big shot important person
  • blotchy having uneven marks, irregular spots
  • brisk quick; efficient
  • choosy not easily pleased
  • dainty delicate
  • dither unable to decide (what to do)
  • dotty crazy
  • frisky lively
  • fuss paying a lot of attention to
  • glow giving off a warm light
  • hearth place in a room where a fire is put
  • jack-in-the-box children's toy where head on a spring jumps out of a box
  • kipper a smoked fish (herring)
  • landing place where stairs meet in a house
  • on the off-chance by luck
  • pane single piece of glass in a window
  • peeling layer coming away from the wall
  • plump soft; chubby; round
  • pop jump out suddenly
  • pop in enter quickly, without ceremony
  • porch covered entrance of exterior door
  • swamp overwhelm; too much of something
  • swanky expensive and snobbish
  • teeny weeny extremely little
  • tiny very little
  • tray flat receptacle for carrying cups, plates etc
  • trot walk quickly (implies unconcerned way of walking)
  • undergraduate university student studying for first degree
  • sip drink slowly, delicately (especially when hot)
  • rim edge
  • whiff a slight smell of something
  • peculiar strange or odd; unusual; weird
  • emanate to come out from a source
  • at length finally; at last
  • pat touch; caress
  • a trifle something of small importance
  • blemish an imperfection; flaw
  • saucer a small shallow dish for holding a cup at the table
  • lapse into to fall gradually into doing something
  • alas I'm sorry to say; unfortunately; sadly (used to express sorrow; regret, or grief)
  • motionless without movement; still
  • preserved kept intact or in a particular condition
  • stuff fill tightly with a material.
  • faintly slightly; indistinctly; gently
  • incline to slope or lean towards one side

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