The Literal Gaslighting

Övningen är skapad 2020-02-07 av rubenbrundell. Antal frågor: 27.

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  • Literal The literal meaning of a word is its original, basic meaning.
  • Avoid to prevent something from happening or to not allow yourself to do something.
  • Fracking a method of getting oil or gas from the rock below the surface of the ground by making large cracks in it. Fracking is short for "hydraulic fracturing".
  • Shed to lose a covering, such as leaves, hair, or skin, because it falls off naturally, or to drop something in a natural way or by accident.
  • Persistent lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of.
  • A fable a short story that tells a moral truth, often using animals as characters.
  • Testify to speak seriously about something, especially in a law court, or to give or provide proof.
  • Confound to confuse and very much surprise someone, so that they are unable to explain or deal with a situation.
  • Landmark an important stage in something's development.
  • Intergovernmental between two or more governments:
  • Temporarily in a way that does not last for long or for ever.
  • Alloted given or made available for a particular purpose.
  • Misconception an idea that is wrong because it has been based on a failure to understand a situation.
  • Decrease to become less, or to make something become less.
  • Increase to (make something) become larger in amount or size.
  • Reduction the act of making something, or of something becoming, smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc.
  • Predate to have existed or happened before another thing.
  • Crucial extremely important or necessary.
  • Contribute to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people.
  • Combustion the chemical process in which substances mix with oxygen in the air to produce heat and light.
  • Preeminent more important or powerful than all others.
  • Chart a drawing that shows information in a simple way, often using lines and curves to show amounts.
  • Insure to protect yourself against risk by regularly paying a special company that will provide a fixed amount of money if you are killed or injured or if your home or possessions are damaged, destroyed, or stolen.
  • Spew If something spews liquid or gas, or liquid or gas spews from something, it flows out in large amounts.
  • Decisively quickly, effectively, and confidently.
  • Stalwart loyal, especially for a long time; able to be trusted.
  • Gaslighting the action of tricking or controlling someone by making them believe things that are not true, especially by suggesting that they may be mentally ill.

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