The Murder of Roger Ackroyd - Chapters 10-15

Övningen är skapad 2020-01-08 av rubenbrundell. Antal frågor: 10.

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  • A will An official statement of what a person has decided should be done with their money and property after their death.
  • An Inquest An official process to discover the cause of someone's death.
  • To conceal To prevent something from being seen or known about.
  • Placidly In a calm way.
  • Providence the care and control of God or of a force that is not human in origin:
  • Providence The care and control of God or of a force that is not human in origin.
  • Solemn Serious and without any humour.
  • Debonair (especially of men) attractive, confident, and carefully dressed:
  • Debonair Especially of men: attractive, confident, and carefully dressed.
  • Crestfallen Disappointed and sad because of having failed unexpectedly.

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