Types of/things causing Chromosome abnormalities

Övningen är skapad 2024-04-06 av feliciajonsssson. Antal frågor: 20.

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  • the main difference between constitutional anomalies and acquired anomalies is the ... .. ... timing of onset
  • constitutional anomalies develop ... birth due to ... or ... factors e.g. ... inborn syndromes before, genetic, developmental, chromosome
  • acquired anomalies develop ... birth due to ... factors, ... and ... etc after, environmental, injuries, infections
  • the main difference between homogenous anomaly and mosaic anomaly is how ... the mutation or anomaly is widespread
  • homogenous is when ... cells in the body carries the same genetic mutation or anomaly all
  • mosaic is when ... cells in the body carries the genetic mutation or anomaly some
  • is it in homogenous or in mosaic that normal cells can exsist in the body mosaic
  • if some cells carries one anomaly whilst other cells carry another anomaly this could be considered mosaic: TRUE/FALSE true
  • if we have a numerical anomaly in which we lose a sex chromosome, X from the father how do we then write the karyotype? 45 X0
  • numerical anomaly is both when if we get an extra chromosome (trisomy) and if we lose a chromosome (monosomy): TRUE/FALSE true
  • Numerical anomaly is when there is .. ... chromosome which is called ... or if we ... .. chromosome which is called ... 1 extra, trisomy, lose 1, monosomy
  • in case of numerical anomaly if we lose chromosome 5 and it is a WOMEN the karyotype will be: 45XX -5
  • in case of numerical anomaly if we get an extra chromosome 21 (DS) and it is a MAN the karyotype will be: 47XY +21
  • Cells that do not contain a multiple of 23 chromosomes (does not contain 23 pairs either 1 more/less) are termed ... aneuploid
  • if Non-disjunction happens in the first meiotic division then we will get .. gamete which all are ... (meaning they will have ... amount of chromosomes -> either to many or to few) 4, unbalanced, different
  • if Non disjunction happens in the second division we will produces .. ... gametes and .. ... gametes 2 unbalanced, 2 normal
  • non-disjunction = failure of chromosomes to separate properly during cell division: TRUE/FALSE true
  • structural anomaly can lead to both balanced (normal) or unbalansed (abnormal) gametes: TRUE/FALSE true
  • structural anomaly = If the structure of the chromosomes change then the change can be ..., if there is no ... or ... of genetic material, OR it can be ... if there is ... and/or ... of chromosome segments balanced, loss, gain, unbalanced, deletion, duplication
  • (Recurrence risk refers to the likelihood of a certain condition or trait appearing again in future generations of a family, especially if it's already present in the family's history: TRUE/FALSE true

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