Vocabulary Test w. 8

Övningen är skapad 2018-02-22 av alinolivia. Antal frågor: 42.

Välj frågor (42)

Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • Vindictive, wanting revenge Vengeful
  • To defeat completely Vanquish
  • Improvise Ad-lib
  • Pieces of wood, metal, brick etc. that are left after something has been destroyed Debris
  • Rapid, quick or fast Swift
  • Anxious and nervous Jittery
  • The main idea of what someone has said or written Gist
  • Tending to produce death, evil in nature or effect Malignant
  • Burnt and black Charred
  • Comfort or relief Consolation
  • To discuss in order to exchange opinions or get advice Confer
  • Strong and thick or brave and determined Stout
  • Suffering from mange (= a skin disease of animals that makes them lose their fur) Mangy
  • Covered in many small lines and wrinkles Crinkled
  • A thick growth of trees and bushes Thicket
  • To make someone feel braver or more confident Embolden
  • Causing great damage to people's lives, property etc; disastrous Calamitous
  • Something you must do to show that you are sorry for something you've done; especially in religion Penance
  • Unpleasantly thin Scrawney
  • A small vehicle with wheels that can be pushed or pulled along, used to carrying things Trolley
  • The sound of feet running with quick short steps (like children or animals) Scampering
  • A sound like the one which is made when a heavy object hits something Thud
  • Empty or abandoned Vacated
  • In a way that is not detailed or exact Vaguely
  • Amazed or shocked Astonished
  • To suddenly move forward and attack Pounce
  • Beginning to develop Budding
  • An inflammation of the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord Meningitis
  • A language that is a mixture of two languages, which people who can't speak each others language well use to speak to each other. Pidgin
  • The ability to think and behave in a normal rational manner Sanity
  • A crack, gap or narrow opening Chink
  • Of similar character or related to Akin to
  • Rude and disrespectful behaviour Insolence
  • Harsh criticism; reprimand Rebuke
  • Someone who is not connected with the christian religion or any of the of the large established religions. Used to show disapproval Heathen
  • Courage, nerve Spunk
  • A state of anxiety or nervous excitement Agitation
  • A person who steers a boat or ship Helmsman
  • Someone who tells lies in order to get what they want Deceitful
  • Showing lack of control; publicly violent or noisy Disorderly
  • Being cruel and having or showing no pity for other people Remorseless
  • A police force covering a particular area Constabulary

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