walk (one night at the museum)

Övningen är skapad 2024-09-17 av emmaskog. Antal frågor: 28.

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  • walk move ones feet
  • limp walk unevenly because one leg is hurt.
  • hobble walk with difficulty.
  • stagger walk unsteadily as if about to fall (not stumble or lurch).
  • stumble walk unsteadily as if about to fall (not stagger or lurch).
  • lurch walk unsteadily as if about to fall (not stumble or stagger)
  • tiptoe walk on the tips of one's toes
  • stroll walk for pleasure.
  • amble walk at a slow, leisurely pace.
  • wander move without a fixed purpose or destination. (not roam or ramble).
  • roam move without a fixed purpose or destination (not wander or ramble)
  • ramble walk for pleasure with no particular destination. (not wander or roam)
  • meander walk in a slow, relaxed way instead of taking the most direct way possible.
  • stride walk with long steps.
  • strut walk in a proud way, with the chest out and trying to look important.
  • swagger walk proudly, strut.
  • stalk walk in angry or proud way, with long steps.
  • sashay walk in a confident way, moving the body from side to side, especially so that people look at you.
  • trudge walk slowly and with effort because one is tired.
  • shuffle walk very slow and noisily, without lifting one's feet off the ground.
  • stump walk heavily and stiffly.
  • plod walk with heavy steps or with difficulty.
  • pace walk with regular steps.
  • march walk with regular steps of equal length like a soldier
  • parade walk or march together to celebrate or protest.
  • crawl move slowly with the body close to the ground or on hands and knees
  • edge move gradually with small movements
  • Creep move slowly and quietly with the body close to the ground

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