Word list 2 Once were warriors

Övningen är skapad 2016-09-23 av Jewell. Antal frågor: 21.

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Alla Inga

  • hedge undvika
  • disfranchise beröva rösträtt
  • supersede to replace something
  • acclaim praise
  • spurn refuse
  • bleak kalt
  • animosity a strong feeling of disliking someone or something
  • instilled to make someone have a particular feeling or belief
  • contest to say that you do not agree with or accept (something)
  • dynamic very lively and enthusiastic
  • quasi used to show that something is almost
  • prevalent Something that is very common in a particular group or place.
  • pastoral of or relating to the countryside or to the lives of people who live in the country
  • ubiquity presence everywhere or in many places especially simultaneously
  • affluent Having a lots of money and expensive things
  • brawls to fight noisily in usually a public place
  • facetious used to describe speech that is meant to be funny but that is usually regarded as annoying
  • insidious causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed
  • designation name or a title or an alias
  • undercut to offer to sell things or work for a lower cost than another person or company)
  • disseminate to spread knowledge to a big crowd

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