Word work

Övningen är skapad 2024-02-12 av emebla11. Antal frågor: 53.

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Alla Inga

  • indulgent kind, tolerant
  • higgs field field of energy that is thought to exist in every region of the univers
  • entanglement deep and complex involvement
  • haze mist, fog
  • bifurcate formal way of saying divided
  • decay decompose, crumble
  • enlist join an army
  • lenient moderate, not severe
  • temptress literary woman who tries to attract men sexually
  • yankee name for soldiers belonging to the union army
  • desolation great sadness and emptiness
  • realm area of interest or activity
  • holistic dealing with the whole something
  • oblivious not aware of something or concerned about
  • ambient existing/present all around you
  • heir someone who will receive money, property, a title or a duty when another person dies
  • ambiguity something that is unclear because it has different meanings
  • colloquially in everyday language
  • prevalent common, widespread
  • adorn decorate
  • analysis the examination and evaluation of something in detail
  • synthesis the combination of ideas to form a new understanding
  • framework a structure for organizing and understanding information
  • implications the possible effects or consequences of an action or decision
  • perspective a particular way of viewing or considering a situation
  • criteria standards or principles used for judgment or evaluation
  • methodology the systematic approach used in research or study
  • discourse written or spoken communication on a specific topic
  • validity the extent to which something is accurate and reliable
  • diverse showing a variety of different elements or qualitie
  • gingerly carefully, cautiously
  • decorous behave politely and controlled
  • perturbation to worry/to experience uneasiness
  • escapism seeking entertainment or othe rpleasant experiences to forget about uninteresting/unpleasant aspects of life
  • prosperity success/thriving
  • disillusionment cynicism, disappointment
  • indistinguishable identical
  • incongruous odd, not in harmony with surroundings
  • poised graceful
  • torpor a state of being inactive
  • probabilistic philosophical idea that we make decisions based on what we think is true because we can never be certain
  • eccentricity unconventional behavior, oddness
  • steel oneself mentally prepare onself to do something difficult
  • refute formal reject, deny
  • upside advantage
  • slaughter kill violently
  • revel in enjoy very much
  • infatuated deeply in love
  • inevitable impossible to avoid
  • disastrous extremely bad
  • limbs legs and arms
  • agility ability to move quickly and easy
  • enchanted magical

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