Yule Chapter 5,6 Linguistics

Övningen är skapad 2019-04-23 av Fnaskozaurus. Antal frågor: 19.

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Alla Inga

  • Etymology study of the history of words, their origin and how they’ve changed over time.
  • neologism a new word in a language
  • coinage create/invent a new word, i.e. notusing existing words.
  • Eponyms from names of people and placespasteurise (v)(Louis Pasteur
  • Borrowing Words that other languages have adopted from English:
  • Calque Loan translation
  • compounding is the process of combining two words (free morphemes) to create a new word (commonly a noun, verb, or adjective)
  • Blend combination of parts of two separate formschunnel, sitcom, webinar
  • clipping a polysyllabic word is shorteneduni, burger, flu, lab, demo
  • backformation member of one word class (usually a noun) is reduced to create a new word of a different word class (usually a verb)
  • conversion word becomes a member of a new class without any reduction
  • Acronym using the initial letter of some or all of the words in a phrase or title•PIN (Personal Identification Number)
  • Derivation We create new words by adding affixes to existing ones. Adding affixes may or may not change the word class:
  • morphology the internal structure of words
  • morpheme the smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or grammatical function
  • lexical carry meaning or content of the message
  • functional grammatical words•prepositions/conjunctions/determiners/pronouns – closed class, as it is extremely rare to add new ones.
  • inflectional grammatical morphology.Inflectional morphemes don’t change the word class of the morphemes to which they’re attached. They can mark
  • allomorph In linguistics, an allomorph is a variant form of a morpheme, that is, when a unit of meaning varies in sound without changing the meaning. The term allomorph explains the comprehension of phonological variations for specific morphemes.

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