Yule chapter 9,10,11

Övningen är skapad 2019-04-23 av Fnaskozaurus. Antal frågor: 23.

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Vanligtvis används alla ord som finns i en övning när du förhör dig eller spelar spel. Här kan du välja om du enbart vill öva på ett urval av orden. Denna inställning påverkar både förhöret, spelen, och utskrifterna.

Alla Inga

  • Semantics study of meaning in language
  • Synonyms two words that are very close in meaning
  • collocation words that occur together very often/word partnerships
  • Autonyms two forms with opposite meanings
  • hyponym a subclass term, e.g. cat (hyponym) is a type of animal (superordinate). There is a hierarchical relationship between words
  • homphone words that have different form and meaning but the same pronunciation, e.g. sew/sow/so
  • Homonym words that coincidentally have the same form, e.g. bank (of a river/financial institution). The two senses are unrelated.
  • Polysemy two words with distinct meanings that derive from the same historical root; their senses are semantically related, even if the meanings have drifted apart with time. Examples include head and bright. The senses are related.
  • metonymy a feature associated with a concept is used to represent the concept as a whole, i.e. a word is replaced by something associated with it, e.g.:
  • inference hearer makes connections that are not explicit.
  • Pragmatics Studying how we interpret an utterance using our world knowledge and background beliefs.•It investigates how the meaning that a speaker intends to communicate by using a particular utterance in a particular context is understood by the addressee.•One type of context is the physical environment or setting at a certain time in a certain place, helping us to interpret words like now and here.
  • Personal deixis you, we, me
  • Deixis refers to words and phrases, such as "me" or "here", that cannot be fully understood without additional contextual information
  • Spatial deixis Here, there, by that, come
  • temporal deixis the day after tomorrow, this weekend, now, recently, soon
  • declarative I like coffeemake a statement
  • interogative Are you from Brighton?ask a question / an inquiry
  • Imperative Sit down everyonemake an order / directive
  • direct speech act When a sentence type is used with its typical function
  • indirect speech act the function does not correspond to the sentence structure
  • Discourse language beyond the sentence
  • Cohesion Uses linguistic devices to show connections within a text.
  • Anaphora refering back

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