17 Breakfast time bas

The exercise was created 05.04.2016 by 10385. Anzahl Fragen: 12.

Fragen wählen (12)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • breakfast frukost
  • in the morning på morgonen
  • daughter dotter
  • Can you pass me the toast, please? Kan du skicka mig det rostade brödet?
  • Would you like some cheese? Vill du ha lite ost?
  • Rachel comes into the kitchen. Rachel kommer in i köket.
  • I'd like a cup of hot chocolate. Jag skulle vilja ha en kopp choklad.
  • hungry hungrig
  • thirsty törstig
  • There's nothing left. Det finns inget kvar.
  • I don't believe it. Jag tror inte det är sant.
  • I'm afraid there's no milkman today. Tyvärr kommer det inget mjölkbud idag.

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