일고 쓰기 3.2 "식사 예절"

The exercise was created 09.01.2020 by dejly. Anzahl Fragen: 24.

Fragen wählen (24)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • 코를 풀다 to blow one's nose
  • 덜어서 먹다 to eat in small quantities
  • 소리를 내다 to make sound
  • 먼저 일어나다 to leave early
  • 음식을 입에 넣다 to put food in one's mouth
  • 덜다 lessen, lighten
  • 식탁에 팔을 올리다 to raise one's arm on the table
  • 얼굴을 옆으로 돌리다 to turn one's face to the side
  • 그릇을 놓다 to set down a bowl
  • each, every
  • 지키다 to keep, follow, obey, uphold
  • 예절 manners, etiquette
  • 수저 spoon and chopstick
  • 돌리다 turn, spin
  • 놓다, 두다 put, lay, place, set, position (on top of)
  • 넣다 put (in), insert
  • 기침 cough
  • 기침이 내다 to cough
  • 재채기가 내다 to sneeze
  • 재채기 sneeze
  • 주의하다 to pay attention, concentrate
  • 중요하다 important
  • 반찬 side dish
  • 이때 at this time, now

All None

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