8A The surprise

The exercise was created 12.01.2023 by KLindroos. Anzahl Fragen: 8.

Fragen wählen (8)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • It was his parents' wedding anniversary. Det var hans föräldrars bröllopsdag.
  • He had bought a wonderful cake. Han hade köpt en fantastisk tårta.
  • He hurried from school. Han skyndade sig från skolan.
  • He was already laying the table. Han dukade redan bordet.
  • I'll give you a hand. Jag hjälper dig.
  • By the way, what's for supper? Förresten, vad blir det till kvällsmat?
  • I'll just reheat them first. Jag ska bara värma upp dem först.
  • I think the oven's hot enough by now. Jag tror ugnen är tillräckligt varm vid det här laget.

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