The exercise was created 22.11.2022 by RSN47. Anzahl Fragen: 43.

Fragen wählen (43)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • abomination disgusting, shame
  • raggedy untidy, torn and looking a little dirty
  • inherit receive something after someones death
  • first come first served the first one can pick and chose
  • righteous living according to the rules
  • busybody a person who is too interested in things that do not involve them; nosy
  • daft stupid, silly
  • sabbath the day of rest
  • frame a decoration around paintings
  • fond something you like
  • shield medieval protection
  • split on snitch - give away information about somebody
  • purr a low vibratory sound typical of a pleased cat
  • gravy brown sauce
  • contradict deny the truth by stating the opposite
  • lad a boy or a young man
  • concussion brain injury
  • joined-up writing cursive writing
  • dunno I don't know
  • come out of one’s way doing extra
  • nosy a person who is too interested in things that do not involve them; busybody
  • disobedient when you don't follow the rules
  • stuff it screw it
  • conscience A person´s moral sense of right and wrong
  • quid pound
  • kicking up a fuss to disturb
  • revolting disgusting/grose
  • exaggerating making thing worse or better than it is
  • insensitive heartless
  • dungeon underground prison
  • pride the state of being proud
  • fork out pay for something you don’t want to pay for
  • tea-towel towel to use when drying the dishes
  • nappies diapers
  • a long shot it is unlikely to succeed, but is worth trying.
  • zit pimpel/ a spot on your skin
  • vivid intense, powerful
  • congregation religious group, meeting
  • drainpipe sewer system leading water from your house
  • expelled not allowed to take a part of a class or other gathering
  • gobsmacked very suprised
  • pedestrians someone who is walking
  • bouquet an arrangement of flowers

All None

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