Åk 5 week 3 "What´s wrong?

The exercise was created 17.01.2025 by haithu. Anzahl Fragen: 10.

Fragen wählen (10)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Hela familjen blev sjuka. The whole family got sick.
  • Det är ganska vanligt. It is rather common.
  • Hon fick öroninflammation i båda öronen. She got ear infection in both ears.
  • Min hy kliar på kvällen när jag ska lägga mig. My skin itches in the evening when I am going to bed.
  • Ansiktet var svullen. The face was swollen.
  • Jag har fått hög feber. I have got a high temperature.
  • Mina muskler gör ont på morgonen när jag vaknar. My muscles hurt when I wake up in the morning.
  • Är du vaccinerad? Are you vaccinated?
  • Jag behöver troligen behandling. I probably need treatment.
  • Du måste ta hand om dig själv och din kropp. You have to take care of yourself and your body.

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