Åk 9 Modala hjälpverb

The exercise was created 09.11.2015 by JohanEng. Anzahl Fragen: 25.

Fragen wählen (25)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Du måste köpa en ny cykel must buy You must buy a new bike.
  • Hans föräldrar säger att ha får röka när han är 18. may smoke His parents say that he may smoke when he is 18.
  • De fråga om vi kunde hjälpa dem. could help They asked us if we could help them.
  • Jag undrar om hon kan spela piano. can play I wonder if she can play the piano.
  • Sedan ska hon köpa en ny cykel. will buy The she will buy a new bike.
  • Alla hoppades att han skulle vinna tävlingen. would win Everybody hoped that he would win the race.
  • Ingen trodde det skulle vara lätt. would be Nobody thought it would be easy.
  • Barnen måste borsta sina tänder. must brush The children must brush their teeth.
  • Jag hoppas din syster kan simma. can swim I hope that your sister can swim.
  • Hon kunde simma när hon var sex. could swim She could swim when she was six.
  • Får jag gå nu? May May I go now?
  • Min bror ska sälja sin bil. will sell My brother will sell his car.
  • Min bror tänker sälja sin bil. is going to My brother is going to sell his car.
  • Vet du om de kan tala Franska? can speak Do you know if they can speak French?
  • Du måste berätta sanningen. must tell You must tell the truth.
  • De ska bygga ett sort hus bakom skolan. will build They will build a big house behind the school.
  • Alla pojkarna kunde svara på frågorna. could answer All the boys could answer the questions.
  • Han måste kunna arbeta i morgon. must be able to work He must be able to work tomorrow.
  • Gästerna hade inte kunnat ta bussen. had not been able to come The guests had not been able to take the bus.
  • We /har inte kunnat sova/ have not been able to sleep in these beds.
  • Jag hoppas att kunna hjälpa dig snart. to be able to help I hope to be able to help you soon.
  • Han var tvungen att åka före midnatt. had to He had to leave before midnight.
  • Du kommer att vara tvungen att ge honom pengarna. will have to You will have to give him the money.
  • Hon var tvungen att byta sina smutsiga kläder. had to She had to change her dirty clothes.
  • Mina föräldrar har kunnat köpa ett nytt hus. have been able to My parents have been able to buy a new house.

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