Anatomi Honliga könsorganet

The exercise was created 18.11.2023 by Filippafransson. Anzahl Fragen: 27.

Fragen wählen (27)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • de breda livmoderligamenten ligamentum latum uteri
  • äggstockens krös mesovarium
  • äggledarens krös mesosalpinx
  • livmoderns krös mesometrium
  • äggstockar ovarium
  • äggblåsor folliklar
  • gulkroppar corpus luteum
  • ägglossning ovulationen
  • ägg oocyter
  • follikelhormon östrogen
  • gulkroppshormon progesteron
  • äggstocksfickan bursa ovarica
  • äggledaren tuba uterina, oviduct, salpinx
  • livmodern uterus
  • moderkakan placenta
  • livmoderhorn cornua uteri
  • livmoder kropp corpus uteri
  • livmoder hals cervix uteri
  • livmodertappen portio vaginalis
  • slida vagina
  • slidans förgård vestibulum vaginae
  • klitoris clitoris
  • blygden vulva
  • blygdläpparna sing. labium vulvae
  • slidvalvet fornix
  • ovulationsgrop (häst) fossa ovarica
  • Mjölkkörtel juver

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