Animals - Hunting on the Siberian steppes

The exercise was created 02.05.2020 by anna_kohler. Anzahl Fragen: 32.

Fragen wählen (32)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • sibiriska stäpper Siberian steppes
  • klimat climate
  • bli kallt get cold
  • tillbringa, tillbringade, tillbringat spend, spent, spent
  • gå hemifrån leave home
  • gå ner (solen), gick ner, gått ner set, set, set
  • bli mörkt get dark
  • känna lukten av, kände lukten av, känt lukten av smell, smelt, smelt
  • stark lukt strong smell
  • komma ihåg, minnas remember
  • komma, kom, kommit come, came, come
  • Det är jag säker på. I'm sure of it.
  • låt oss let's
  • farligt dangerous
  • Vi måste. We have to.
  • antingen... eller either... or
  • ledare leader
  • i mitten in the middle
  • tyst quietly
  • dess its
  • rädsla fear
  • komma undan get away
  • odjur beast
  • kommer inte won't
  • fånga, fångade, fångat catch, caught, caught
  • Fäll den! Take it down!
  • päls fur
  • smaka taste
  • hemskt terrible
  • här: bit igenom cut through
  • kött meat
  • fullmåne full moon

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