
The exercise was created 17.03.2016 by etmarite. Anzahl Fragen: 31.

Fragen wählen (31)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • honourable hederlig
  • invent uppfinna
  • bearable uthärdligt
  • remain kvarstå
  • obliged tvingad
  • asinine enfaldig
  • thus på det viset
  • prevent hindra
  • go round the bend bli tokig
  • dish out dela ut
  • splendid fantastisk
  • at any rate i alla fall
  • cocky kaxig
  • unbearable outhärdlig
  • receive motta
  • comparatively jämförelsevis
  • civil hövlig
  • appalling fruktansvärd
  • less mindre
  • tidy profit nätt vinst
  • obediently lydigt
  • amount summa
  • wreck vrak
  • butt in lägga sig i
  • gently vänligt, mjukt
  • glance kasta en blick
  • stiffen stelna
  • liar lögnare
  • exhausted utpumpad
  • physically fysiskt
  • emotionally känslomässigt

All None

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