Australia a penal colony

The exercise was created 11.09.2024 by masa23. Anzahl Fragen: 35.

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  • Convict Someone guilty of crime
  • Banished Sent away from your country and not allowed back
  • Approximately Close to, a particular time or number, though not exactly, that number or time
  • Land Down Under Another name for Australia, given due to its location in the Southern Hemisphere. A nickname for Australia.
  • Criminal-justice To get justice in a crime. Also laws, procedures, institutions and policies that are at play in connection to crimes.
  • Ruling In control. Also a decicion usually by a court of law.
  • Inherently Naturally a part of. Also: in a way that exists asa natural or basic part of something.
  • Defective Flawed. Something that is defective has a fault in it and does not work correctly.
  • Required Necessary for the situation. According to the rules of for a particular purpose.
  • Thus In this way or therefore
  • Genetically In a way that relates to genes (DNA received by an animal or plant from its parents)
  • Law-abiding citizens People who obey the law and aren't criminals.
  • Accordingly In a correct way for the situation
  • Exiled Sent away from your country, town etc. especially for political reasons
  • Penal In relation to punishments given by law. Also: A penalty for something.
  • Beneath Under
  • Hellish Very bad, unpleasant
  • Claimed the lives of Caused the death of
  • Voyage A long journey by ship
  • Hardened criminals People who will not stop their criminal activity
  • By any measure True regardless of how it is judged or evaluated. Also: willing to do something no matter what it takes.
  • Minority A small number. Also: a lesser part in a vote
  • Offenses Breach of law, illegal act
  • Confined Kept closed in a place by force. Also: held in an area.
  • Volunteers People who do something willingly for free.
  • Exceptional Much greater than usual
  • Sadism The act of getting pleasure from being cruel and hurting another person
  • Violations The act of breaking a law or rule
  • Punishment The retribution for an offence
  • Lashes Strikes delivered with a lot of force
  • Cat o’ nine tails A whip with nine knotted lines or cords connected to one handle
  • Attempted Tried to do without success
  • Conditions The physical situations someone is in
  • Horror Used to describe something very unpleasant
  • Drew straws The act of using straws or similar items of different length to decide by lottery who should do what

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