Best Friends & I'll be there for you

The exercise was created 23.09.2024 by imlinda. Anzahl Fragen: 20.

Fragen wählen (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • memory minne
  • play tricks on lura
  • move house flytta
  • farewell party avskedsparty
  • recall komma ihåg
  • dress klänning
  • I have jag har
  • she has hon har
  • joke skämt
  • broke pank
  • stick, stuck, stuck fastna, fastnade, fastnat
  • gear växel
  • week vecka
  • I'll be there for you jag kommer att finnas där för dig
  • the rain starts to pour det börjar ösregna
  • because eftersom
  • breakfast frukost
  • things are going great det går riktigt bra
  • there'll be days like this det kommer fler dagar som den här
  • someone to face the day with någon att möta dagen med

All None

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