C positive words

The exercise was created 28.04.2022 by EmmaBjornell04. Anzahl Fragen: 26.

Fragen wählen (26)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • dyka upp appear
  • fantasifull imaginative
  • betydelse importance
  • effektiv effective
  • tålmodig patient
  • använda, bruka use
  • säkerhet security
  • som kan undvikas avoidable
  • känslig sensitive
  • anställning employment
  • ärlig honest
  • packa pack
  • dyr expensive
  • lydig obedient
  • skicklig, duglig competent
  • läsa read
  • förmåga ability
  • vara överens agree
  • imponerande impressive
  • popularitet popularity
  • som går att glömma forgettable
  • själviskhet selfishness
  • tro på believe
  • viktig, betydelsefull significant
  • förutsägbar predictable
  • ansvarsfull, ansvarig responsible

All None

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