Chapter 9: Where is my mother? Top up 2

The exercise was created 20.10.2023 by anna_kohler. Anzahl Fragen: 31.

Fragen wählen (31)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • dotter daughter
  • anlända arrive
  • utställning exhibition
  • underlig strange
  • sjukdom illness
  • rakt, direkt straight
  • (läkar)mottagning office
  • ta med bring
  • fullständigt completely
  • annorlunda different
  • tapet wallpaper
  • möbler furniture
  • främmande strange
  • reception reception
  • hotelldirektör manager
  • hotelliggare, gästregister register
  • ovanför above
  • främling stranger
  • mentalsjukhus mental hospital
  • sammansvärjning plot
  • sanning truth
  • pest plague
  • snart soon
  • smärta pain
  • behöva need
  • vara överens agree
  • gripas av panik panic
  • medan while
  • likkista coffin
  • begrava bury
  • omärkt unmarked

All None

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